Corporate Training



Speak On The Spot With Confidence

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Poorly structured impromptu messages and weak delivery due to lack of preparation. Stress when answering unexpected questions, making small talk and handling other impromptu situations.


Gain the peace of mind you need under stress to instantly structure and deliver any message confidently.

  1. Think clearly under pressure.
  2. Structure any message instantly.
  3. Avoid rambling, going off-topic, and the dreaded ums and ahs.
  4. Use a range of tools to make the message clear, interesting and memorable.
  5. Manage your emotions during impromptu conversations. 
  6. Listen and determine core concerns so you can determine the purpose of the message.
  7. Answer unexpected questions calmly and concisely.
  8. Feel relaxed and confident when making small talk.

Collaborate For Results

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Misunderstandings, poor communication and negative emotions that occur when working with others who have different priorities.


Step back to see collaboration problems in a new light so that you have new ways of gaining cooperation. Use simple formulas to rise above differences.

  1. Create a unified vision of what ideal collaboration would look and feel like.
  2. Understand the obstacles preventing your vision objectively and blamelessly.
  3. Learn methods to uncover the real issue, and why we often solve the wrong one.
  4. Gain creative problem-solving skills to find new ways to win trust and support.
  5. Encourage a team mindset with formulas for appreciation and requests.
  6. Know how to listen deeply for core concerns, and respond thoughtfully.
  7. Remain calm, confident and assertive with challenging people.
  8. Diffuse hostility.
  9. Self-mediate difficult conversations.
  10. Commit to specific actions to build relationships before conflict sets in.


Telephone Skills

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

An unfavourable impression of your organisation or dissatisfied customers due to poor etiquette, skill and confidence on the telephone.


Enhance your company’s image and build better relationships with customers by providing a proactive, professional and pleasant telephone experience.


1. Build rapport with callers through a human touch.
2. Listen accurately for core concerns.
3. Create enthusiasm and warmth through vocal variety.
4. Use effective service language.
5. Shift from a transaction mindset to a relationship mindset.
6. Turn a negative call into a positive experience.
7. Respond effectively when you don’t know the answer.
8. Speak about regulations and policies in a customer-centred way.
9. Assume responsibility for the customer’s issue during call.
10. Follow through with service until the caller’s needs are met.

Handle Difficult Conversations

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Poor outcomes in conversations and damage to relationships when handling conversations fueled by negative emotions.


Improve the outcome of conversations in which emotions are running high.


1. Feel confident, motivated and skilled in approaching customers.
2. Identify needs through non-verbal communication.
3. Create a strong impression from the moment you greet the customer.
4. Be seen as a trusted expert and caring advisor.
5. Listen to understand customer concerns and respond appropriately.
6. Be able to make appropriate small talk.
7. Remain calm, confident and assertive with challenging customers.
8. Know how to calm and defuse negative emotions in customers.
9. End difficult conversations effectively.

Listening – The Secret Sauce of Influence

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Unable to listen with full attention. What stops you from listening to others and really hearing their ideas? How can you make your listening more effective, especially when there may be tension and our ideas are challenged?


In this highly interactive and practical workshop, you will learn new ways to listen more actively. You’ll look specifically at your own listening style and your challenges, and learn about differences between listening styles. By becoming a more effective listener, you will improve your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate, as well as avoid conflict and misunderstandings.


  1. Identify your own listening style by completing a personal listening profile.
  2. Discover your personal strengths and areas for improvement in listening.
  3. Understand the importance and benefits of effective listening.
  4. Recognise the qualities of good and bad listeners.
  5. Identify barriers to listening and how to overcome them.
  6. Gain insight into the different listening approaches of others.
  7. Learn how and when to adopt another approach for more successful communication.
  8. Use a range of questioning and responding techniques.
  9. Understand and read the non-verbal cues when listening.
  10. Feel the power of putting active listening and assertiveness together.


Present Yourself Powerfully Lite

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Weak executive presence in presentations and meetings due to fear, shyness and lack of confidence.


Exude a strong, authentic, confident executive presence so that you can exert greater influence at work.

  1. Walk, talk and present yourself like a success.
  2. Build trust and rapport with customers.
  3. Make a great first impression.
  4. Increase your credibility when expressing yourself.
  5. Develop a clear and simple presentation quickly.
  6. Exude executive presence with body language and vocal skill.
  7. Contribute in meetings without fear.
  8. Use a simple formula to be more influential

Present Yourself Powerfully

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Unable to persuade an audience due to poor presentation structure, and unconfident or unimpactful delivery.


Structure a persuasive message that suits the intended audience’s needs, and deliver it clearly and confidently.

  1. Understand how people see you and enhance the impression you make.
  2. Walk, talk and present yourself with confidence.
  3. Create an impactful persuasive presentation quickly and easily.
  4. Anticipate the audience’s core concerns, and identify what they want to hear.
  5. Avoid the one thing that prevents audience buy-in in many presentations.
  6. Deliver your message confidently, naturally and effectively.
  7. Calm nerves and exude executive presence.
  8. Design and present slides that sell your point for you.
  9. Learn skills that made Steve Jobs a world-class presenter.
  10. Answer unexpected questions calmly and concisely

Present To The C-Suite

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Difficulty engaging, impressing and persuading a C-Suite audience concisely.


Understand the needs of a c-suite audience and be able to design a presentation that cuts through the details, gets to the point boldly, briefly and brilliantly.


  1. Identify the expectations of an executive audience
  2. Align your message with your audience’s priorities
  3. Grab and hold your audience’s full attention
  4. Make clear points, and get to them quickly
  5. Use storytelling to engage
  6. State a compelling case that leads the audience to buy-in
  7. Be ready and able to handle objections and questions
  8. Design slides quickly for instant readability and relevance
  9. Understand how people see you and enhance the impression you make
  10. Learn 2 formulas to answer questions concisely and confidently

How To Craft An Inspiring TEDx-Style Talk

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Unable to develop a compelling and inspiring talk.


By the end, participants will not only have crafted their own TEDx Talk, but will know how to inspire and persuade their staff to take action.



1. Deliver a TED-Style Talk to a large audience with impact and confidence
2. Use stories, personal discoveries and analogies to craft an engaging TED-style Talk
3. Learn Marianna’s highly successful 3-stage format to craft a powerful speech
4. Be able to make an emotional connection with your audience to motivate, lead and inspire
5. Trust that you can speak authentically by recognising your personal style and strengths
6. Use the principals of engaging storytelling
7. Grab the audience’s attention from the start
8. Exude executive presence with body language and vocal skill
9. Deliver your message naturally and effectively
10. Create a TEDx-style Talk that will appeal to both senior management and subordinates



Policies and Procedures

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Difficulty communicating fast-changing, complex regulations. Policies and procedures that are too wordy or that overwhelm readers with detail.


Learn simple formulas that let you design clear, well-formatted policies and procedures so that employees read, understand and follow what you’ve written.


  1. Understand the differences in policy, process and procedure content and formatting.
  2. Organise content efficiently
  3. Avoid lengthy sentences without compromising meaning
  4. Use clear, specific, concrete wording
  5. Avoid evasive vocabulary, wordy phrases and corporate jargon
  6. Create visually appealing documents that attract readers’ attention
  7. Follow a simple 3-step plan to make document writing easier
  8. Write with a positive, motivating style to gain readers’ support
  9. Use simple formulas that help you write and help your audience read
  10. Cut writing time drastically

Proposals and Reports

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Wordy, unfocused, poorly formatted reports that make it hard for readers to grasp main points clearly and crisply.


Write reader-focused reports and proposals designed to lead your most important reader to the information they need clearly and quickly.



1. Adopt a reader-centred approach to report writing.
2. Include clear bottom lines in every part of a report.
3. Develop concise, logically organised paragraphs.
4. Put data and details into writing effectively.
5. Compose impactful, easy-to-read headings.
6. Use grammatically correct lists to deliver information.
7. Select and summarise data appropriately.
8. Chunk, cluster and subordinate ideas logically.
9. Write in plain English with correct syntax.
10. Use easy-to-scan format and layout techniques.

Business Grammar Fast & Easy

Ideal if you want to solve these problems:

Grammatical errors in important business documents due to using English as a second language. Difficulty remembering or understanding the grammar learned in school.


Learn easy-to-remember grammatical patterns in a fun way so that your documents make a better impression on your reader.


1. Apply verb tenses appropriately in your everyday writing tasks.
2. Distinguish commonly confused grammatical structures.
3. Learn the keys to grammatically correct sentence construction.
4. Recognise and avoid common errors in your writing.
5. Identify what you have been saying and writing incorrectly.
6. Catch grammar mistakes quickly.
7. Relax more when writing and gain more confidence.
8. Feel more confident in your standard of grammar.
9. Put your thoughts into writing with much more clarity.

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